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Version: 4.2

X-DAM supports StarRocks and MySQL databases.

  • For data volume less than 1 million in a single table, we recommend you use the embedded MySQL database.
  • For data volume more than 10 million in a single table, we recommend you mount the StarRocks database.

Make sure you deploy the database first so you can configure corresponding information during X-DAM installation.

X-DAM Installation

  • X-DAM can be installed on the same server as supOS or separately. Either way, the installation process is done on the supOS server.
  • Make sure the supOS platform is installed in advance.

Installing through Visual Application

  1. Double-click the setup.exe file in the installation package, and then click Install.
  2. Under Deploy config, enter server information.

Make sure SSH is enabled on the server, and you need to use root to log in.

Auth infosupOS authorization server IP.
O&M server info
  • Username: Can only be root.
  • Password: Root password.
  • Server node: supOS server IP.
Deployment config
  • Specify DAM server: Enable it if X-DAM is installed on an independent server and enter corresponding information.
  • Cluster config: Enable it when supOS is in cluster deployment and enter corresponding middleware information.
DW config
  • Tianhu as DW: Select whether to use the embedded MySQL as the database.
  • DW type: Select the database type when using external databases.
  1. Select Installation type, and then click Next.
  2. Upload the installation package and then start installing X-DAM.

    Make sure you have copied the installation package to /home/supngin/supngin-dam on the server before you select Server. Files under this path are displayed here by default.

Installing on Server

  1. Create a path /home/supngin/supngin-dam for X-DAM, and copy the installation package to it.
  2. Access the path, use the md5 file to start verification, and then decompress the package when verification is ok.
cd /home/supngin/supngin-dam
md5sum -c X-DAM-XXXXXX.tgz.md5
tar zxvf X-DAM-XXXXXX.tgz
  1. Access /home/supngin/supngin-dam/bin, and then copy file to generate
cd bin
  1. Edit the file.
  • Configure middleware information.

Middleware configuration is only needed for supOS cluster deployment.

    • Zookeeper:
    • Kafka:
    • Redis:
    • Nacos:
    • NFS:
      NFS_HOST=nfs_vip_IP and NFS_PATH=/nfs
  • Configure X-DAM server information when it is deployed independently.
DAM_SERVER_PORT=22 //ssh access port
  • Configure data warehouse information.
    • External StartRocks
      STORAGE_ENGINE_LAKE_DB=false //default is false, means external database
      WMODEL_TYPE=DORIS //database type is DORIS
      STORAGE_ENGINE_SERVER= //database server IP
      STORAGE_ENGINE_PORT=9030 //query_port of FE node
      STORAGE_ENGINE_HTTP_PORT=8091 //http_port of FE node
      STARROCK_REPLICATION_NUM=1 //number of replications, set based on the number of BE nodes, odd number often
      STARROCK_BUCKET_NUM=10 //number of buckets
      STORAGE_DORIS_METRIC_FE_LIST= //FE node. multiple nodes are separated by comma. port is the corresponding http_port
      STORAGE_DORIS_METRIC_BE_LIST= //BE node. multiple nodes are separated by comma. port is the corresponding webserver_port
    • External MySQL
      STORAGE_ENGINE_LAKE_DB=false //default is false, means external database
      WMODEL_TYPE=MYSQL //database type is MySQL
      STORAGE_ENGINE_SERVER= //database server IP
      STORAGE_ENGINE_PORT=9030 //query port of the database
    • Embedded MySQL
      STORAGE_ENGINE_LAKE_DB=true //true means using embedded MySQL database
      WMODEL_TYPE=MYSQL //database type is MySQL

      Embedded MySQL is not recommended for production environment.

  • Configure supOS authorization.
MULTI_TENANT=false //whether to enable multi-tenant mode. Default is false (disable)
HASP_SERVER=x.x.x.x //authorization dongle server IP
  1. Save the file and then install X-DAM.
sudo bash
  • Prompts might appear for different installation situations, and you need to enter corresponding information to complete installation.
  • If X-ETL is installed first, you can select whether to automatically restart X-ETL services while installing X-DAM; for updating X-DAM, X-ETL services do not need to be restarted.
  1. Check the service status.
kubectl get po

Accessing X-DAM

Log in to supOS, and then select Data Intelligence.


After installation, X-DAM permission is not granted to admin or any user be default. Make sure you access supOS and assign corresponding module permission under User Security Management.

Uninstalling X-DAM

  • Uninstall X-DAM through visual application.
  • Run sudo bash under /home/supngin/supngin-dam/bin.